PosiFitness Blog

A collection of thoughts about fitness, performance, and wellbeing.

Want to get strong without gym equipment?


A study from 2016 has shown that you can still achieve strength without using a lot of weight. The researchers discovered that doing high rep, low weight exercises until you could no longer perform was about just as good (with exception to bench press) as lifting few reps with heavy weight.

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Challenging perceptions of fat people


Understanding and challenging our biases is an important step to reduce the negative effects of stereotyping. See how most Americans think about fat people based on research from Harvard. We've got to acknowledge and address the problem; and it's not the obesity epidemic.

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My top pick to help you shred the ski slopes


Winter is in full effect and if you are like me, you enjoy time in the mountains and snow. You may also be like me in this way too: that is, you don't make it up to the mountains as much as you like. Not to worry, I've got you covered with some very straightforward exercises that will prepare you to take on any mountain.

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Interview with Kelley Watson


Today I'd like to introduce a good friend and fellow soccer player, Kelley Watson. She's also an Assistant Coach, Sprints and Hurdles for the San Jose State Track Team. Kelley and I recently played soccer after about a year of not having played together and she shocked me with her speed.

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We all need to start thinking more critically about news


In today's world much of our daily media is surrounded in attention grabbing statements, risque advertisements, and novelty. It's rare to find completely agenda-free news. With that in mind, consider looking critically at anything that someone is trying to get you to read.

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What is the fat-burning zone, and how do we use it?


We've all seen the table or graph posted on the treadmill at that gym that talks about the "fat-burning zone." In this post, we'll discuss why it's known as the fat-burning zone and why it may not be your weight loss fix.

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Exercising in the heat: what to know before you start


Ambient temperature impacts your body's response to exercise. Here are a few important considerations when exercising in high-heat. San Jose's average relative humidity is between 60-80%. That means risk for heat exhaustion starts when temps reach 90° and risk for heat stroke when temps reach 100°.

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A couple of no-equipment workouts for building speed and agility


I came across the following two workouts this week. They are great for improving speed and agility and require no equipment. Check out the videos and try the exercises yourself.

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How to use the three-zone model to improve cardio-efficiency


When it comes to keeping your heart healthy with cardiovascular exercise, all you have to do is talk. The so-called Talk Test is just as accurate as expensive diagnostic tools to identify which training zone you're exercising in, and it's so simple to incorporate into your existing routine.

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Great article for people on the fence about exercising


"The best exercise prescription is one that will get the client doing more than he or she did yesterday and continuing to do it tomorrow and for weeks to come." Everyone is different, everyone has goals, but the way people engage and stay motivated to meet those goals differs drastically.

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Responsibility in the Health & Fitness Industry


I think most people know not to believe everything they read or see on the Internet. But what happens when the person saying something holds a trusted title, like Doctor? What about vaguely described organizations with neat acronyms, like ASMBS? Sounds official, right?

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Exercise: The working-parent dilemma


I have two beautiful and healthy boys. I also have a career that I love and a wonderful wife who loves hers too. Really, in the grand scheme of things, how could I complain? Well sometimes things are just tough and it feels like there is not enough time in the day.

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How to stay injury free: prevention strategies


Preventing injuries is extremely important for people getting into exercise as well as those who have been doing it for years. We must always remember that two things impact your susceptibility to injury: the type of activity you perform and your body's ability to support good form while performing it.

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Your weight does not dictate your health


As a personal trainer, I may be shooting myself in the foot here, but I am very passionate about this topic: Your weight is not as important as they say it is! The they I'm referring to are the media, news, and friends or family. There are even those in the health industry, including doctors, who focus advice exclusively on losing weight to improve health.

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Getting a great workout at home with zero equipment


One of the keys to maintaining a healthy lifestyle is doing things that are enjoyable. For most people, that does not include waking up early to go to the gym or finding time to get there after a hard day's work. The answer: Workout at home!

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